Ancestry Chart:
Birth about 184839
33 -- Gedesby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
1 2 and 3 Marriage 17 June 1840
Birth 17 July 180832
32 -- Gedesby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
Death 28 April 1869 (Age 60)
2 Father 4 and 5 Marriage December 1797
Birth 2 June 177660
Death 23 March 1849 (Age 72)
4 Grandfather 8 and 9 Marriage 1758
Birth 1716
Death 21 March 1781 (Age 65) -- Gedesby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
8 Great-grandfather (I5228)
Birth 1737
Death 7 April 1822 (Age 85) -- Gedesby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
9 Great-grandmother
Birth 22 October 177536
Death 23 September 1837 (Age 61)
5 Grandmother 10 and 11 Marriage 26 January 1772
Birth 1739
Death 30 November 1814 (Age 75)
10 Great-grandfather (I4909)
Birth 1734
11 Great-grandmother
Birth 24 April 181431
32 -- Gedesby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
3 Mother 6 and 7 Private
Birth about 1783 -- Gedesby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
Death 30 January 1866 (Age 83) -- Gedesby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
6 Grandfather 12 and 13
Birth 178231
23 -- Gedesby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
Death 25 March 1854 (Age 72) -- Gedesby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
7 Grandmother 14 and 15 Marriage 14 June 1778
Birth about 175128
Death 7 October 1829 (Age 78)
14 Great-grandfather (I4725)
Birth 29 September 175833
Death 5 March 1801 (Age 42)
15 Great-grandmother