Ancestry Chart:
Birth 24 May 181242
34 -- Gedesby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
Death 27 October 1868 (Age 56) -- Gedesby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
1 2 and 3 Marriage 1795
Birth 16 April 177028
24 -- Gedesby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
Death 13 December 1847 (Age 77) -- Gedesby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
2 Father 4 and 5 Private
Birth about 174232
Death 6 March 1809 (Age 67)
4 Grandfather 8 and 9 Private
Birth about 1710
8 Great-grandfather 9 Great-grandmother
Birth 1746
5 Grandmother 10 and 11
Birth 18 January 177843 -- Skelby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
Death 8 July 1865 (Age 87) -- Gedesby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
3 Mother 6 and 7 Private
Birth about 1735
6 Grandfather 12 and 13
Death before 1787
7 Grandmother 14 and 15