Ancestry Chart:
2 and 3 PrivateBirth about 1820 24 32 -- Skelby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
4 and 5 PrivateBirth about 1796 43 27 -- Skelby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
Death before 1850 (Age 54)
2 Father
8 and 9 Marriage June 1747Birth 1753 30 31
Death before 1834 (Age 81)
4 Grandfather
- Birth February 1722 26
Death July 1776 (Age 54)
8 Great-grandfather - Birth 1722 31
Death 9 March 1768 (Age 46) -- Gedesby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
9 Great-grandmother
10 and 11 PrivateBirth 1769 32 -- Skelby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
5 Grandmother - Death before 1780
10 Great-grandfather - Birth about 1737
11 Great-grandmother
6 and 7Birth about 1788 -- Skelby S, Falsters Sønder H, Maribo A, Danmark
3 Mother