Timeline Chart

Female  Sidse Marie Ottosdatter ~ Schou

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Birth -- 7 October 1831 36 35 Skibby S, Horns H, Frederiksborg A, Danmark
Christening -- 7 December 1831 ‎(Age 2 months)‎ Skibby S, Horns H, Frederiksborg A, Danmark
Census -- 1 February 1834 ‎(Age 2)‎ Skibby S, Horns H, Frederiksborg A, Danmark
Census -- 1 February 1840 ‎(Age 8)‎ Skibby S, Horns H, Frederiksborg A, Danmark
Census -- 1 February 1845 ‎(Age 13)‎ Skibby S, Horns H, Frederiksborg A, Danmark
Confirmation -- 1846 ‎(Age 14)‎ Skibby S, Horns H, Frederiksborg A, Danmark

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